Perky Parkie Power!

Frozen Soft Serve Yogurt

If you never clicked over to Perky Parkie’s blog, do so now and read her empowering article, “Is Happiness a Choice?

The author, Allison Smith, is a personal trainer and funny writer who has endured more serious medical issues as a teenager and young adult than most people experience in an entire lifetime.

Her article contrasts two opposing ways she could react to her life’s medical challenges.  She could either respond as Poopy Parkie (whine a lot) or as Perky Parkie (find humor everywhere, teach a fitness class for other people with Parkinson’s, and worship frozen yogurt ).

Choice quote:

I am choosing to be happy, because it makes my life easier.  Life is hard enough.  I don’t need to wake up on the wrong side of the bed every morning.  I use humor, because laughing is much more adorable than crying.  I believe that positive energy attracts people.  But most of all I believe that attitude is the key.

Her clear delineation of these two choices resonates with me, as I find I have a range of options in how I respond to much that happens to me as a person with Parkinson’s.  If I can keep her attitude in mind as I tread my way through my tranquil travels and traumatic travails, I’ll be much better off.  I’ll be transformed, not trapped.

Perky Parkie:  A PD mover and shaker!

2 thoughts on “Perky Parkie Power!”

  1. Bruce – I totally agree that the key to life is maintaining a positive attitude and a sense of humor – with or without PD!! Happy Wednesday!

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