How can you support someone with Parkinson’s disease to manage their finances?

by guest author Elizabeth Long

When a loved one is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, it can be a difficult time for both them and their family. Not only do they have to navigate the physical and emotional challenges that come with the disease, but they also need to continue to manage the practical aspects of everyday life.

Parkinson’s disease can impact a person’s ability to retain information, alongside causing physical ailments such as tremors and slow movements. This can make it difficult for them to travel to run errands, such as visiting a bank branch to manage their finances. Combined with memory loss, it can quickly become an overwhelming task for Parkinson’s sufferers.

In this article, we’ll explore some practical ways to support someone with Parkinson’s disease to manage their finances, ensuring they have all of the necessary support.

Set up online banking

In today’s digital world, online banking has become increasingly popular. It allows individuals to manage their finances without the need to visit a physical bank, making it much more accessible for the general population. For someone with Parkinson’s disease, this is a great way to ensure that they are still able to remain in control of their money without the worry of getting themselves safely to a bank.

When it comes to setting up their online banking account, consider the suitability of the platform for their needs. If their current bank doesn’t offer a user-friendly online banking platform, it might be best to switch to one that does. Features such as large fonts, simplistic menus and few popups can all make the process less stressful.

Once you’ve chosen the bank to move forward with, spend some time creating strong yet memorable passwords for their accounts. Ideally they shouldn’t write it down, so if they feel that they might struggle to remember, it can be a good idea to help them set up a password manager.

Ensure they have the right technology

While setting up online banking for a loved one with Parkinson’s can be a big help, they’ll need to access the internet in order to use it. Due to the physical impacts of the disease, such as hand tremors, using devices with small buttons or touch screens can be challenging.

That’s why you need to find a method for your loved one to access their online finances in a way that is as comfortable for them as possible. This could mean providing them with a tablet or smartphone that has a large display and options to improve accessibility, such as increasing the font and interface size to limit any misclicks.

Alternatively, you could set them up with a comfortable ergonomic chair and desk to access their accounts from a laptop or desktop computer. It’s about empowering them to take control of their own lives as much as possible, so make sure to ask what they’d prefer, rather than assume you know what’s right for them.

Be patient and understanding

Living with Parkinson’s disease can be frustrating and overwhelming for your loved one. The disease can cause changes to all aspects of their life, from worsening memory and focus to difficulty moving around to perform everyday tasks. To support them, it’s important to be patient and understanding.

Take the time to listen to their concerns and calmly explain your answers to them. You might need to repeat yourself a few times, as this new information can be quite overwhelming to take in all at once. As long as you remain calm and understanding, you can help your loved one take back control of their life.

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