Paws for Parkinson’s: Why You Should Consider Getting a Service Dog


Parkinson’s disease (PD) currently affects more than 10 million people worldwide. And while there still isn’t a cure, there are non-medical alternative treatments that are recommended for patients living with the disease. They include adopting healthy lifestyle changes, such as exercising regularly and eating a proper diet. But did you know that adopting an animal companion can also provide some benefits?

What would be the advantages of owning a dog for individuals with Parkinson’s disease? How will having a service dog improve their lives? People frequently ask themselves these questions. We look at the solutions to these concerns in this guide.

What exactly are service dogs?

When you hear the term “service dog” you might imagine one of the animals used to support law enforcement or military people. Dogs can be taught to do this, but these aren’t the service dogs we’re talking about here. The primary duty of a service dog is to assist and carry out some tasks that can be helpful to a person with a disability.

Service dogs are taught particularly to improve their owners’ daily lives and lessen the strain of their condition. These animals can assist their owners with a variety of daily responsibilities, from recovering elusive objects to physically assisting a person with limited motor function.

Benefits of getting a service dog

1. Attract attention

A service dog will be able to trigger an alarm and catch other people’s attention in a situation where you need to seek emergency assistance. 

2. Provide companionship

There are psychological and physical advantages to having a companion dog. People who are depressed or lonely may benefit from the company of dogs. As they spend most of their time by your side, they develop this special bond and become a valued member of the family. 

3. Booster of confidence

Depression can be brought on by mental diseases or low self-esteem. These emotions can be altered by interacting with a puppy. Having a dog around can improve your mood and make you feel better, ultimately helping to support your mental wellbeing. Your canine companion will also provide new opportunities and independence so that you can have a higher quality of life.

4. A dog can be your biggest supporter and best friend

Assistance dogs, emotional support dogs, and pet dogs are able to sense our emotions and respond in the most affectionate ways. They have a good understanding of our facial expressions and body language, making them valuable members of society. Some are also trained to apply physical pressure to their owner which can help calm them down in certain situations.

How to get a service dog

The owner must fulfill a number of requirements in order to obtain a service dog. In order to qualify, the owner must first demonstrate that they suffer from a physical or mental impairment that significantly limits their day-to-day activities and that the animal can benefit from their particular ailment. For the medical certificate required to apply for a service dog, you must visit a doctor and request it. Third parties also supply trained service dogs.

On top of this, you must also consider whether you have the means and appropriate living situation to accommodate a furry friend. While service dogs are there to provide help for you, they too need looking after just like any other pup, so bear this in mind before committing to bringing one into your home.

by Guest Author Elizabeth Long

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