More Resources for Seniors with Special Needs

Natalie Kelly and her colleagues at Forever Curious have sent me additional important links for senior citizens, especially senior citizens with special needs like Parkinson’s disease.  I’ll paste the links below, then add them to my Resources page in the Links drop-down menu at the top of this screen.

Thank you, Natalie!

  • Legal Resources and Considerations for Seniors and Persons with Special Needs.    “Both the disabled and the elderly population have specific rights that are protected by law. From the right to fair housing to the right to be protected from fraud and abuse, these are clearly outlined in the law…. Whether you are in one of these more vulnerable populations, or you are a caretaker who is caring for a disabled or elderly loved one, it’s critical to understand these legal concerns and the laws put in place to protect you.” 



  • Making the Move to Assisted Living.  “Is it time to make the move?” is just one of the many questions this site discusses.  It also sorts out the costs, explains the different kinds of facilities and care options, and talks about relying on your gut instincts.


  • Keeping Seniors Safe while Remodeling.  “This comprehensive guide has been designed to provide safety best practices for seniors, disabled adults, and their caregivers to help them safely navigate construction sites. Also, it outlines the ADA’s recommended construction zone safety standards. If a worst-case scenario occurs, and you or a loved one is injured in a construction zone, this guide also offers actionable advice for how to react and respond.”


  • Disaster Preparedness for Seniors.  “Don’t wait until the threat of disaster to look into these tools and resources. Even in normal daily life, they all provide value and protection.”


  • Advanced Care Planning.  “Making plans now for the care you want when you have a serious illness is called ‘advance care planning.’ Advance care planning helps you make your care decisions now and in the future. Planning involves learning about your illness and understanding your choices for treatments and care.”  This site includes many downloadable PDFs with titles such as “Advance Care Planning for Serious Illness” and “Caregivers and Serious Illness.”


  • Aging Veteran’s Guide to Planning for the Future.  “From buying a home to getting health insurance and planning for a stable financial future, today’s veterans have many opportunities available to them, and planning for the future requires knowledge of them.”



  • Elder Care Resources.  This site has resources and links for all sorts of useful information, from a list of federal websites, to fact sheets about adult day care, to brochures on brain health.


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